UVI's Institute for Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness (ILOE) is a significant
component of the University’s program of institutional effectiveness in the context
of its mission and corporate responsibility to humankind. The University of the Virgin
Islands wish to address the leadership needs of faculty, staff, administrators, students
and the Virgin Islands community through the development of conferences, seminars,
workshops, and training programs. Our goals are to
- Prepare senior and aspiring University personnel and students to fill positions of leadership.
- Provide an interactive orientation to organizational governance and efficiency.
- Enhance accountability for ethical business practices including negotiating approaches.
- Develop and deliver the Certified Public Manager (CPM) program.
- Foster partnerships and share knowledge across academic and administrative channels.
- Prepare and support leaders for success in meeting the present and future challenges facing UVI through experiential learning and leadership skills development.
- Deliver short certificate courses in supervisory, managerial, and executive leadership.
- Provide strategic, resource allocation, human resources, performance assessment, and organizational effectiveness consulting services to the public and private sectors.
- Encourage the use of alternative dispute resolution techniques in resolving workplace conflict.
- Collaborate with UVI’s other Centers of excellence to provide exposure beyond UVI.
- Become a revenue generating enterprise for the University.
UVI-ILOE will provide experiences and perspectives to enhance the strategic leadership
capabilities of persons at the University of the Virgin Islands, across the territory,
throughout the region, and around the world.
The vision of UVI-ILOE is to develop leaders of character and strength, one person
at a time.
Dr. Sheree Bryant Sekou
Interim Director
Institute for Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness
Office of the President
University of the Virgin Islands
#2 Brewers Bay
St. Thomas, V.I. 00802
(340) 693-1240 (O)
(340) 693-1005 (F)