David Hall, SJD Haldane Davies, Ph.D. Dr. Marilyn F. Krigger Pastor Silton Browne Rabbi Michael E. Harvey
The Hebrew Congregation of St. Thomas
2116 Crystal Gade
St. Thomas, VI 00802
E-mail: rabbimike@synagogue.vi
Judge James Carroll, III
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Email: jcarroll3@msn.com
Pastor Gilford T. Monrose
Mt. Zion Church of God
203 East 37th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Email: pastormonrose@gmail.com
Stevie Henry
GIS Analyst
No. 2 John Brewers Bay
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Email: shenry@uvi.edu
Marthious Clavier
RR1 Box 10000
Kingshill, V.I. 00850-9781 Email: mclavie@uvi.edu
Pastor Winelle Kirton-Roberts Imam Abubakar Mohamed Rosalie Dance, Ph.D. Lonnie Hudspeth, Ph.D. Pastor Jefferson Niles Ofc. David Cannonier
Professor of Psychology
Frank Mills, Ph.D.
Naomi Bellot, CPM
P.O. Box 6732
St. Thomas, VI 00804
Email: naomiruth98@hotmail.com
CSAP Director- Wendy V. Coram Vialet, ND
No. 2 John Brewers Bay
St. Thomas, VI 00802
E-mail: wendy.coram@uvi.edu
(340) 693-1003